Week of Labor Day workouts!

This week kicks off with a massive partner workout that’s doable at all skill levels, invite a friend to come hang out with us TOMORROW at 8a or 10a! The Labor Day parade is happening at 9, so stay to enjoy that. Because of the parade, please allow yourself enough time in the morning to get a spot and walk to the gym.

Upcoming events!!

Global Level Method Testing begins 9/9. If you know anyone who is on the fence about checking out The Standard, now is the time for them to start fresh at square one. Please have them talk to me (Ben) about what it might look like for them to train with us. For those of you who have already done it, this is an awesome time to see just how far you’ve come. Did you die on the burpee/ jumping pullup workout? Guaranteed you’ll smash it this time. It’s exciting to see what the hard work you’ve put in has done.

Poco Piatti Thursday 9/12! There will be free hummus and drink specials, as well as Thursday Night football. Come by at 7-9:30ish and bring a friend or two! All are welcome.

The CrossFit Open starts 10/10 — Much more on this to come, but if you want to get registered now, you can, it’s live :)

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