World Wide Levels Testing!

Hey Everyone! On September 9 we start our World Wide Level Method Testing Schedule for 3 weeks! I wanted to go over some basic things with you:

  1. Take time to check out your levels before you attend classes so you can set a game plan on what tests to hit. For instance, I'm very certain I can't level up my deadlift on Monday, but I'm optimistic that I could improve my mile... since they're tested on the same day, I may not even test my deadlift and simply prepare for the run... or vice versa if you're solid at running and not so much on deadlift.

  2. Even though we call this “testing” look at this as an ASSESSMENT. It is simply an opportunity to see where you are or what progress you've made over the last few months! With that info, the coaching staff can work individually with you to map out next steps! MOST importantly, let's have fun!!! Cheer on your fellow athletes and enjoy it!

  3. There are workout OPTIONS for every class -- so testing isn’t mandatory (just highly recommended) As an example, if you come to class and have recently tested Deadlift, you won’t have to retest deadlift in class, there will be a separate option for you.

  4. If you’ve been training consistently BELIEVE that you will level up! Over and over, people think they haven't improved, but then they try and surprise themselves. FEELING like you’re not getting better is the same as feeling like you’re not losing weight-- until you find yourself having to buy smaller sizes. Fitness is like that too, and it’s a big reason we have the Level Method. I hope you’re excited! Check out your levels, put particular days on your calendar, and let’s have a BLAST!

  5. If you've not been training at all (or know of anyone who has been on the fence about starting); this is the perfect time to set a baseline for yourself and see EXACTLY where you fall on the fitness spectrum. Not only that, we'll identify strengths and weaknesses with you and formulate a plan to get you fitter faster than anywhere else. There's no better time to get started!

I can't wait to see what happens and I'm so proud to get to coach you! Have a great weekend!



These workouts are the ALTERNATE workouts.

Not testing your running on Monday? Do 3 RDS 400m run & 21 burpees.

Make sense? Just alternate workout options on the off-chance you’ve already tested these recently.

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