😂 AI is so funny. I would never trust a word this guy said.
Greetings citizens and friends of The Standard! I write this long-overdue blog to try to bring everyone up to date with the happenings and plans for where we’re going as a gym.
Firstly, I decided to allow our CrossFit affiliation lapse this past July. This impacts you in zero important ways since we deliver CrossFit methodology with levels, prehab, mobility, bodybuilding, lifestyle best practices, and more. We are more than just CrossFit. If you want the reasoning, it’s 2-fold: CF HQ continues to put profit over affiliate impact now that it’s owned by a private equity firm. Second, I’m fairly convinced that Coca-Cola executed a coup against Greg Glassman because he was fighting a war against big soda as the primary cause of most chronic diseases we have in our society. I don’t want to give our money to them. So, we will now be called The Standard Fitness Academy, which will probably come as a surprise to none of you :)
The 2025 CrossFit Open. For those of you who don’t know what it is, it’s a worldwide competition that acts as the first step toward the CrossFit Games for the absolute freaks, but serves as a barometer for your capabilities stacked gaginst the rest of the CF community. There are flaws in all of that logic, but that’s the idea at least. The Standard has always participated in it, but have never prioritized it because we are regularly testing ourselves internally against ourselves, not against others.
That doesn’t mean it’s not worth participating in and just because we aren’t an affiliate doesn’t mean you can’t. We’re just going to be a world class “garage gym.” Friday night 5:45 class will be replaced by whatever workouts get announced the prior Thursday, so anyone who wants to do The Open, can come then, get judged, and submit a score (and video) to get your name on the leaderboard. Or, if you want to go hang out with Amanda at GCCF, that’s cool too. So, that’s the plan. Friday 2/28, 3/7, and 3/14 at 5:45pm… we Open. 💪
Other News:
I’m actively working to find a new location for us to move our gym to. We need a parking lot, 24/7 access ability, and more space to offer better services. I’ll post all pertinent updates in these blogs, this project is going to go slowwwww
Sam Harmon (Sam 2) has a new board game he’s a part of creating! We’re going to play it after we workout Friday 2/28. Roughly 7pm start time!
We’re going to have Bring a friend week the week of March 17th! As always, your friends are welcome to come anytime before then, but that week will be all partner workouts and all very manageable for the uninitiated. You guys crushed it last time we ran that, so I’m excited to do it again.
category focuses are:
Front squat - running - kettlebell
Our program is designed to bring a broad and inclusive general physical preparedness to everyone participating consistently at The Standard. That means we have to work in cycles where we focus on certain implements (KB,DB,barbell,etc), energy systems (heavy breathing vs muscular burn), virtuosity (proficiency of a specific skill), and E discipline (neurological learning typically with weights). If we tried to do them all throughout the year, all the time, we would get less progress across the timeline, so we break it up so we can get a specific adaptation. Just in case you wanted some nerd stuff in your blogs. :)
That’s all I have to say right now, if you have any questions, feel free to text me or catch me at the gym anytime.