Improvement Series Part 2 - Nutrition


Their performances in the CrossFit open have earned them participation in quarterfinals round.

They finished in the top 10% of all participants in the region; which is incredible! Congratulations!


Deadlift Assessment is on tuesday.

running assessment is on thursday,

weather permitting

Our programming is designed to bring a broad and inclusive general physical preparedness to everyone participating consistently at The Standard. That means we have to work in cycles where we focus on certain implements (KB,DB,barbell,etc), energy systems (heavy breathing vs muscular burn), virtuosity (proficiency of a specific skill), and E discipline (neurological learning typically with weights). If we tried to do them all throughout the year, all the time, we would get less progress across the timeline, so we break it up so we can get a specific adaptation. Just in case you wanted some nerd stuff in your blogs. :)




You don’t need much information to get your nutrition ~90% correct.

I’ll say it again. Nutrition is very easy. Not necessarily the execution and decision-making, but the understanding. Here’s all you really need to know: if Jesus/Caesar/gladiators/vikings/etc could’ve eaten it, then you can eat it. It’s an allowable food. If you ONLY eat allowable foods, you’re going to get really close to your body composition goals, you’re going to recover faster, feel better throughout the day, and live a long time. Could those historical figures eat brussel sprouts? Yep. Could they eat beef? Of course. Could they eat hummus? If they smashed up chickpeas with some olive oil, yes. Could they eat burgers? Yes… could they eat the bun the burger comes on? No. Could they eat Snickers bars? No. Could they fry their potatoes in a fat of oil? No. If you can consistently apply this filter to your food choices, you’re going to look and feel great for the rest of your days.

If you combine those choices with workouts, you’re going to get there faster.

If you combine those 2 with specific nutritional guidelines, you’ll get there even faster.

That’s what we’re going to talk about next week.

NEXT WEEK: NUTRITION - For specific goals

PODIUM ordered…

I ordered a number of things.

They’ll be set out for purchase when they arrive. :)
