What a whirlwind three weeks that was! I continually hate the class experience during assessments, but every season confirms the importance of doing these. We continually see improvement where we expect none, often staving off the back steps we expect. Thanks for working so dang hard, taking on new challenges, and pushing yourself to the absolute limits. It’s SO helpful for us as a coaching staff— now we can create a plan for the next few months so you can be even more improved when we do this again. “…when might that be, Ben?” “One week after the 2022 CF Open.”
We had some great stories come out, but one of my favorites was Policeman Jim Moore. Prior to assessments, Jim was continually making comments about “I’m getting less fit, less strong, this seems harder than it should,” for weeks. “Stay the course," do what you can.” Then assessments happen. He proceeds to level up Deadlift, U/B Pushing, Kettlebell, Weightlifting, API, Front Squat, and Lactic Tolerance. Those are some TOUGH levels to go up! It wasn’t without a couple of disappointments, but those disappointments exposed a few areas we can now adjust to and look for opportunities to improve when he comes to normal, daily class training.
There are a lot of great stories and I hope you’ll all tell yours to the people around our community. Verbalizing a pride in achievement is a powerful experience. Be unsatisfied, but also proud.
29 OVERAL LEVEL UPS — 29 people went up whole levels!! That’s a big deal!
537 total levels entered — Over 75% were improved levels and if we include same levels, that number goes up even more! This is an important proof of efficacy of our program and also a testament to you all having worked REALLY hard to improve. It’s rather inspiring.
We’re going to have some after-action reports with all of you so we can know what you need and be able to provide it. We’ll be talking about those in the next few days and weeks.
DRAWING is tomorrow night (Monday!)
Also, four #standardtrained athletes took to the adventure course yesterday; biking 36 miles, kayaking 6, and rucking 8 with 20% of their bodyweight in a pack. Congrats to Craig, Amanda, Michelle, and Rachel! What a way to spend a Saturday!