Helloooo everybody! I used to write a weekly blog to talk about what was happening around the gym and to preview the workouts for the week. I stopped doing that because ChalkIt shows you the workouts and I hired a company to help me do some things in 2022— which they did not do— which broke a number of things with the website and my personal routines. Anyway…

They’re back. I’m going to provide as much information/education as possible in these so they’re worth the time and effort to read/watch.

I figure the first one should be a State of The Standard, so to speak.

2022 was a wild year for me personally and professionally. Big lowlights, big highlights, and everything in between. As for the gym, we grew marginally in our membership base, but not even close to as much as I projected or hoped. There are a number of reasons for this, but the biggest one is simply me. I’m going to do better for you all so that we can all do better in 2023.

Here’s what “doing better,” means to me this year:

1) First off, I need to do better about acknowledging new members and level-ups, so let me kick off with that! We had four new people join in January and they’re showing up consistently and busting their butts! Ashli, Bev, and Mike are 6am-goers and Colton will be an afternoon/evening addition. As always, if you see unfamiliar faces, be friendly and try asking how long they’ve been coming instead of if they’re new. :) If someone is wandering aimlessly or looks lost, please help. You all do a phenomenal job at that already, I just want to reiterate because each of our attitudes and actions impacts the experience at The Standard, as a whole.

2) I announced “Fast Track to Fit,” for anyone that needs an all-encompassing program to guide them in their pursuit of better health and fitness. It’s a phenomenal deal for anyone that simply doesn’t know enough to improve their fitness on their own, or someone who needs accountability, or someone who doesn’t know how to move their body in and out of the gym proficiently. It’s Basics + 3 months membership + 3 months nutrition (typically $1077) for just $499. If you know anyone that might need something like this, please let them know; I only have 8 left. If any of those services sound useful to you, come chat with me, I’ll offer you an in-house deal on whatever you might need.


3a) I’ve been studying and sampling a lot of methods from a lot of world class innovators and thinkers on a number of different things, like foot function/strength, knee rehab/strengthening, crossover symmetry/shoulder health, golf-specific training, and more. I’m going to start putting some of these concepts into warm-ups and extra credit more often. I would encourage everyone to work through extra credit if at all possible; much of it can be done at home if you simply don’t have the time. You’ll improve faster and prevent injury if you are disciplined enough to do the mundane pieces along with the metcons.

3b) I’m going to formalize an upper body pulling/pushing protocol with a rings slant. The main areas we struggle with as a whole as upper body strength, so I want to see all of you that have first-pull-up goals be able to hit those.

4) NEW MEMBERSHIP OFFERING… I made the decision to end punchcards. The concept that a person only has 10 to spend is like having tickets to use at the carnival… “will this game bring me more enjoyment than the next game?” …then they don’t play ANY games and all of the sudden they haven’t been to the gym in 2 months. That’s not how it goes for everyone, but if it happens for anyone, it feels like a disservice, so now… we have an 8x a month membership for just $99/mo. Hopefully it will motivate people to use their visits before the expire, improving attendance, thus progress. For those of you who simply can’t make it but once a week, you will be able to purchase drop-ins at the drink kiosk the same way you do a FitAid or O2.

5) I’m not completely sure on the timeline, but sometime THIS YEAR, sooner rather than later, I want to offer a 24 hour access service. This will be only available to unlimited members who have been in group training with us for 3 months minimum. It will not be available to outsiders and loners. I think this would help a number of you who tend to get hung up at work or simply want to come in on a Sunday. It’s going to cost me a good chunk of change to install, so it’ll be a premium upgrade, but I’ll be transparent about all of that as I get closer to that goal.

6) We switched to having monthly assessments instead of Assessment Seasons. I would really appreciate any feedback you may have on that.

7) I’m going to build out athlete profiles for everyone that has been with us for 3 months or more. Be aware that I’m going to be taking more pictures of you while you’re working out. :)

8) This is not really relevant to you, but our social media presence is fairly lackluster, so I’m going to set a goal of 200 posts in 2023. I’m really only including this bullet point as accountability.

Those are the things that are top of mind for me right now. As always, if you have feedback of things that would make your experience better; please don’t be shy about telling me or leaving me a note anonymously. I promise you won’t hurt my feelings and I promise to give it adequate consideration.

There are a number of other potentially HUGE things in the works for this year and I’d love to spill about it but I already wrote more than I intended, per my usual. I hope you’re having a great weekend!