Solheim Cup is almost done, but the events downtown are. It was a whirlwind of excitement and inconvenience. A completely bipolar experience; annoyed to ride my bike each day but super happy to have so many people experience downtown like it’s never been before. With it came new parking spots, a more beautiful Summit St. and lots of newfound awareness. But the show must go on… and that starts with Labor Day.
Labor Day schedule, as you’ll notice in the app is only 8am and 10am, just like Saturday. Tell your friends and then bring them to the morning class. We’ll be doing a workout called “Hotshots 19,” written in tribute to 19 firefighters who lost their lives fighting gigantic blazes in their hometown of Prescott, AZ. The majority of them were avid CrossFit enthusiasts and used it as their primary source of training in preparation for one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. We’ll honor them tomorrow with an incredibly difficult workout that could very well take more than the hour we typically allot. If you’d like to partner up, you should. If you want to time cap it, you should. Your effort and intention is just as valuable as the completion. We’ll see you tomorrow!
Some of you have been asking about the themes for the month as they change, so here are September’s… albeit, we start assessment season next week. :)
E Discipline: Weightlifting
System: Plumbing
Virtuosity: Bodyweight
Fun: Classics
Assessments: Squat End., Lactic Tolerance