The Inaugural Lexi & Maddy Show debuted Friday at the noon class. Fresh from their L1 seminar, they both did an excellent job presenting the workout, giving cues and corrections, and creating an enjoyable environment for each athlete! Great job, ladies! Keep an eye out for them more and more often as they work through our Coaches Development Program
We currently have 6 people working through Basics, so as they finish up, there may be a number of new faces showing up. If you don’t recognize someone, introduce yourself and if someone looks lost, lend a helping hand please. :) (…you all do this incredibly well already, I just want to mention it so you know it’s extremely valuable)
Lastly, we’re going to have a 9am 4th of July Sunday class. I programmed the workout, so all complaints can come directly to me. There will likely be many. You’ll need a partner of similar STRENGTH to you, so choose wisely! If you want to do that workout, but can’t come Sunday… Saturday open gym at 8-10a sounds like a good opportunity. :) This is a big workout to take on— the intent was for it to be hard enough to appreciate that hard things are worth doing in the end and they’re most manageable if you have a support system to help get it done. Keep that in mind as we think back on all of the moments of history that have happened to keep us free in so many ways.
This is a repeat workout, so if you logged your time in Chalk It, push the history button to see what your goal is.