Leo Holt came by to witness the Fair Fight Championship first-hand. He also gave a modeling seminar afterward. Behold.
There were a lot of goings-on happening at The Standard this week! Coach Sam picked our 1st Fair Fight workout, we got our pre-ordered swag delivered, and welcomed three new members into the fold. As always, if you don’t recognize someone, be friendly and helpful (as you always are).
Melissa Conduti comes to us from an extensive and impressive athletic background and has a story I cannot tell in just a blog, Diana Patton is a legend in her own right, lawyer/speaker/energizer bunny/all-around-good-time, and Christina Bodi lived in the middle east for many years and now is responsible for literally millions of gallons of gas making it to it’s destination. Welcome to all of you, thanks for trusting us with your fitness journeys, your coaching staff and I are super pumped to contribute to everything you’re about to do. :))
This week’s Fair Fight Championship workout was guided by Ryan Miller who won our BINGO Assessment Season contest. He gave me some broad confines and it’s ready to roll out to you this Thursday evening! Hints: There are no burpees, rowing, or dubs. It’s also not 1 minute intervals, nor is it 6 rounds. :)
If you didn’t do week 1 of the Fair Fight; you have until Thursday night to do so!! Let your coach know and we’ll set you up. We have a great week of training coming up! Let’s get it started!